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Beware Treacherous Winter Roads

Whether it’s California trying to wash away or the folks back East freezing to death, insurance claims go up during bad weather, signaling a sure need for greater caution behind the wheel — especially if you’re getting ready to travel for the holidays.

According to the National Research Council there are more than 1.5 million vehicular incidents every year related to poor weather driving conditions. Those accidents cause 800,000 injuries and 7,000 fatalities.

Some careless mistakes we’re all prone to make in bed weather include:

– driving too fast,
– turning too quickly,
– following too closely.

Slow down, be deliberate, and exercise patience.

As busy as you may be helping Santa with the last of the retail madness, get your battery checked, anti-freeze topped off, brakes evaluated, and headlights looked over.

Above all else be aware of black ice. If you’re driving in snowy, freezing conditions, there’s nothing more treacherous than a road that looks wet and is actually a skating rink.

Beyond the fact that you don’t want yourself or your family injured or the family car crinkled, you don’t want to file an insurance claim. Premiums are based on risk profiles. Your personal risk profile is based on your driving record.

Be careful. Keep yourself and your loved ones safe. And keep your premiums where you want them — low!